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Get Started Here...

I've pulled together some great resources to help make your practice (and life) easier...

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"Which Process?" Cheatsheet

Explaining to a client the various resolution options can all get a tad overwhelming for them and you - the client's eyes can glaze over very quickly!


Make the explanation straight forward and easy to follow with this free resource. Use it during your client consultations and give it to clients to take away as a reference tool. 

The Law Lighthouse Group

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This is the place where you and lawyers like you come together privately to seek out advice, get inspired and support one another.


Oh, its also where I hang out, sharing totally do-able, practical ideas and resources and generally chat with you about legal practice and life as a family lawyer generally.

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The Law Lighthouse Blog

I've made lots of mistakes in practice and experimented lots! The Law Lighthouse blog is where I share what I've learned so that you don't have to repeat my mistakes (or, if you're already making them, find a way to stop!). 


Grab a cuppa and come on into the blog.

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